celebrating you, marcus. as it was and so it is, a warrior of light despite the abyss of difficult conditions into which you were born. you were light touching darkness and kindred in mind to only a few.
on the anniversary of marcus’ death – october 5, 2024 – we rise above, a memorial art show and tribute happened. those who participated stood by marcus in ways that reflected the dignity and admiration he deserved.
the memorial art show was not only a way to stand by marcus, but also the vehicle to launch a community mediation center in his honor.
this site is dedicated to you so that your life might continue to permeate a grounded ethos of action not only on the peninsula, but beyond. may the example of your humble, yet passionate activism inspire those of courage to embrace integrity. may they be heard as so often you were not. an undoing it is to speak to the deaf pretense of posers. si señor. to not be heard. and then parroted later.
an undoing. and yet, so giving. so kind. thank you for helping so many people out at below market rate and oftentimes for nothing. a generous man. a bodhisattva.
you were one of the few who gives/gave a damn. thank you. may there be many more true like you.
…i raise my glass in respect and admiration to you! may all the ones who hold strong remain strong. and may you join the kindred guides passed before to hold the torch of knowledge and wisdom forward. here’s to you, marcus.
one of the very few who had the capacity to be brutally uncompromising in your ethics while illuminating everyday experience with transcendent luminosity.
your nature to please. nature to please you. you pleased others. it was easy for you. i know beauty when I see it, you’d say. and yet still, the utmost clarity of your mind only few knew: pearls before swine. and to this day, i see your thought leadership claimed and staked as if to be bought and sold. so now what, my beloved?
this site provides stories, invocations, wishes, aspirations and hard fact.
polished to death; this site is not. it is alive. foot loose and fancy free.
please check back for new content (v.1 – 15% complete on 10/08) including resources for death and dying, as well as stories related to marcus’ interests such as pnw eco-activism, peace initiatives led by the global south, and of course, wonderful photos of and by marcus.